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Breakfast Morning June 2019

Breakfast Morning June 2019

We were blessed with beautiful sunshine for our breakfast morning, which was fantastic as it meant we could set up some tables around the pool and the children played happily under the watchful eyes of mum and dad.
Such a well-attended event, approximately 55 adults plus the children. Special thanks must be given to everyone who helped-out, it really was a team-event. From the BBQ boys who sizzled our bacon and eggs, the dishwashing stalwarts who didn’t take a break, the lovely people who set-up the night before and everyone who helped clear-away at the end.

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Pot Luck Supper May 2019

Pot Luck Supper May 2019

The Potluck supper held in May was a great success. With all the residents invited to come along and bring their favourite dish, be it homemade or bought. We were pleasantly surprised with the offerings received, which included sizzling prawns, large-tender ribs with homemade tangy sauce, curry and rice, homemade fish mornay, chicken wings, macaroni cheese, pies…. The list goes on!

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