Annual General Meeting – July 2024


The AGM will be held on Wednesday 17th July 2024, at 7:30pm at the Crestwood Community Hall, 27 Coronet Court, Thornlie.

Please make every effort to attend as the quorum for the AGM is ten percent (10%) of members (one per lot), thirty (30) members present. A quorum must be reached to discuss business
Proxy forms are welcome from homeowners who are unable to attend the meeting yet wish to have their vote cast towards (any resolution that may be passed at the meeting and/or) committee nominations. You are free to nominate any financial member (homeowner) as your proxy. However, please remember, if your proxy doesn’t attend the meeting, your vote will be lost. Proxy forms have been circulated to homeowners.
To begin the meeting promptly at 7:30pm, your arrival from 7pm to catch up with neighbours and sign in would be greatly appreciated.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Kind Regards,

Claire Lewis
Crestwood Home Owners’ Association

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Special General Meeting – March 2024


Special General Meeting – March 2024

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special General Meeting of the Crestwood Home Owners’ Association (Inc.) will be held at:

Crestwood Hall, 27 Coronet Court, Thornlie
Wednesday 13th March 2024 at 7:30pm

The purpose of the meeting is to consider and adopt the proposed Home Owners’ fees for
the year ended 31 March 2025.

By the Constitution we require a quorum of ten percent (10%) of members (being 30 households represented) either present or by proxy, in order to discuss the above resolution.

If you are unable to attend, please help us to achieve the necessary quorum by:

  • Completing a Proxy Form and,
  • lodging it with one of the addressees listed at the bottom of the form.

You are free to nominate any financial member as your proxy, but we recommend a committee member or someone who is definitely going to attend, otherwise your vote could be lost.

The 2024/25 Budget, along with accompanying explanatory notes, the proposed fees, and
Proxy Form are to follow this Notice.

Claire Lewis
Crestwood Home Owners’ Association
12th February 2024

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Busy Bee & Pool Opening – 21st of October 2023


On Saturday the 21st of October, the annual busy bee will be held at 8:30 AM to get the pool ready for the 23/24 season.
We are asking fellow Crestwoodians for an hour or so of your time to assist with putting up the shade sails and preparing the pool furniture.  
As is tradition, Morning tea will be provided for those attending the busy bee.

What’s New? 
This year, a life guard will be on shift at the Crestwood pool from 10:30 AM. This means that upon completion of the busy bee, the pool will officially be open for the season!
Additionally, Matt, who is Committee Member for Webmaster, will be present to complete the registration process for pool fobs and provide any assistance as required. 

In Summary:

  • Busy Bee: 8:30 AM on 21st of October 2023
  • Pool Opening: 10:30 AM on 21st of October 2023 – pending completion of Busy Bee

Matt Street 
Committee Member for Webmaster

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